Tag Archives: Hunting


Elk and deer hunters in Oregon will be surprised as hunting seasons start with the opening of buck deer hunting season. Goose and duck hunters will also be in for a surprise the following week according to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Quail and chukar are bouncing back but the biologists are wondering why pheasants failed to respond to the better conditions as their population continues to go down. The later start of deer season on both sides of the Cascades means it will start and last until the last leaf drop of autumn.

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Trophy Hunting

For hunters, trophy hunting is really familiar and is associated with a lot of positive emotions. But for non-hunters, this phrase can only provoke negative thoughts related to killing innocent animals. They can agree with the fact that a man or woman has a right to hunt for meat and when they hear trophy hunting they usually treat it as something immoral.

Many people think that trophy hunters are usually looking for antlers or horns of an animal and destiny of any animal will finish up on the way to the nearest taxidermist. Usually, trophy hunters do not care for meat they get but for a chance to show their trophy.

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