Tips for Watching Wildlife in the Outdoors


One way to keep your kids from watching TV all the time this summer is to go camping. It doesn’t matter whether you erect a tent in the wilderness or just in your backyard; it is a good way to introduce the children to the wonders of nature.

Camping and observing animals in their natural habitat are fun ways to spend the summer with the whole family. Just make sure the kids know what to do when there are wild animals around. Kids must not try to feed or touch the animals, even if it is just a small squirrel. They can scratch or bite and that could lead to rabies. Tell them to take photos of the animals and allow them to be wild and free. They should be given space to roam around.

If you want to see night animals feeding, you should camp out where there are night flying insects. These are near street lights, flood lights or over water. These places attract insects and some animals such as fox, moths, and owls feed on them at night. You can also smear fruit on a tree early in the night or late afternoon and then come back at night to see if there are animal activities in the area.

It is also important to bring water. Make sure you and the kids stay hydrated even if you are just camping in the backyard. You should drink plenty of water, especially during summer. You need to stay hydrated especially when it is hot outside.Wildlife

Camping out can help families reconnect with nature. There are many guides on the internet on what to bring, recipes, exploration activities, nocturnal wildlife guides, games, and a lot more. Camping can be fun for everyone. It can be made into an annual event that the kids will be looking forward for.

Photo by Moussa Sarra

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